Journal Articles
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Duineveld, M., & Gruezmacher, M. (2021). Adaptive methodology. Topic, theory, method and data in ongoing conversation. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1-15.
Beunen, R., & Van Assche, K. (2021). Steering in Governance: Evolutionary Perspectives. Politics and Governance, 9(2), 365-368.
Van Assche, K., Verschraegen, G., & Gruezmacher, M. (2021). Strategy for the long term: Pressures, counter-pressures and mechanisms in governance.
Van Assche, K., Valentinov, V., & Verschraegen, G. (2021). Adaptive governance learning from what organizations do and managing the role they play. Kybernetes.
Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M., Vodden, K., Gibson, R., & Deacon, L. (2021). Reinvention paths and reinvention paradox: Strategic change in Western Newfoundland communities. Futures, 128, 102713.
Van Assche, K., Verschraegen, G., & Gruezmacher, M. (2021). Strategy for collectives and common goods: Coordinating strategy, long-term perspectives and policy domains in governance. Futures, 128, 102716.
Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M., & Granzow, M. (2021). From trauma to fantasy and policy. The past in the futures of mining communities; the case of Crowsnest Pass, Alberta. Resources Policy, 72, 102050.
Perez-Sindin, X., & Van Assche, K. (2021). “Coal [from Colombia] is our life”. Bourdieu, the miners (after they are miners) and resistance in As Pontes, Resources Policy (forthcoming)
Partelow, S., Schlüter, A., Armitage, D., Bavinck, M., Carlisle, K., Gruby, R. L., ... & Van Assche, K. (2020). Environmental governance theories: a review and application to coastal systems. Ecology and Society, 25(4), 1-21.
Feuer, H. N., Van Assche, K., Hernik, J., Czesak, B., & Różycka-Czas, R. (2020). Evolution of place-based governance in the management of development dilemmas: long-term learning from Małopolska, Poland. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-19.
Perez-Sindin, X., & Van Assche, K. (2020). From coal not to ashes but to what? As Pontes, social memory and the concentration problem. The Extractive Industries and Society.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Gruezmacher, M., & Duineveld, M. (2020). Rethinking strategy in environmental governance. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 1-14.
Van Assche, K., Duineveld, M., Birchall, S. J., Deacon, L., Beunen, R., Gruezmacher, M., & Boezeman, D. (2020). Resilience, Reinvention and Transition during and after Quarantine. Space and Culture, 23(3), 230-236.
Van Assche, K., Hornidge, A. K., Schlüter, A., & Vaidianu, N. (2020). Governance and the coastal condition: Towards new modes of observation, adaptation and integration. Marine Policy, 112.
Schlüter, A., Van Assche, K., Hornidge, A. K., & Văidianu, N. (2020). Land-sea interactions and coastal development: An evolutionary governance perspective. Marine Policy, 112, 103801
Chen, W., Van Assche, K. A. M., Hynes, S., Bekkby, T., Christie, H. C., & Gundersen, H. (2020). Ecosystem accounting's potential to support coastal and marine governance. Marine Policy, 112, 103758
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., & Verweij, S. (2020). Learning from Other Places and Their Plans: Comparative Learning in and for Planning Systems. Urban Planning, 5(1), 1-5.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., & Verweij, S. (2020). Comparative planning research, learning, and governance: The benefits and limitations of learning policy by comparison. Urban Planning, 5(1), 11-21.
D'Hondt, F. J., Van Assche, K., & Wind, B. J. (2020). Rethinking planning systems: A plea for self-assessment and comparative learning. Urban Planning, 5(1), 6-10.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Gruezmacher, M., Duineveld, M., Deacon, L., Summers, R., ... & Jones, K. (2019). Research methods as bridging devices: path and context mapping in governance. Journal of Organizational Change Management.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., & Oliveira, E. (2020). Rethinking planning-branding relations: an introduction. European Planning Studies, 28(7) 1267-1273.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., & Oliveira, E. (2020). Spatial planning and place branding: Rethinking relations and synergies. European Planning Studies, 28(7), 1274-1290.
Gorzelany-Dziadkowiec, M., Gorzelany, J., Stauskis, G., Hernik, J., Van Assche, K., & Noszczyk, T. (2019). The innovation process in local development–the material, institutional, and intellectual infrastructure shaping and shaped by innovation. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 25(6), 1232-1258.
Valentinov, V., Verschraegen, G., & van Assche, K. (2020). On complexity and transparency: The limits of taxonomic ordering. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 37(1), 174-177.
Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M., & Deacon, L. (2019). Land use tools for tempering boom and bust: Strategy and capacity building in governance. Land Use Policy, 103994.
Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M., & Deacon, L. (2019). Taming the boom and the bust? Land use tools for mitigating ups and downs in communities. Land Use Policy, 104058.
Van Assche, K., Hornidge, A. K., Schlüter, A., & Vaidianu, N. (2019). Governance and the coastal condition: Towards new modes of observation, adaptation and integration. Marine Policy.
Leta, G., Kelboro, G., Van Assche, K., Stellmacher, T., & Hornidge, A. K. (2019). Rhetorics and realities of participation: the Ethiopian agricultural extension system and its participatory turns. Critical Policy Studies, 1-20.
Van Assche, K., Verschraegen, G., Valentinov, V., & Gruezmacher, M. (2019). The social, the ecological, and the adaptive. Von Bertalanffy's general systems theory and the adaptive governance of social‐ecological systems. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 36(3), 308-321.
Valentinov, V., Verschraegen, G., & Van Assche, K. (2019). The limits of transparency: A systems theory view. Systems Research and Behavioral Science.
Van Assche, K., Valentinov, V., & Verschraegen, G. (2019). Ludwig von Bertalanffy and his enduring relevance: Celebrating 50 years General System Theory. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 36(3), 251-254.
Deacon, L., Van Assche, K., Papineau, J., & Gruezmacher, M. (2018). Speculation, planning, and resilience: Case studies from resource-based communities in Western Canada. Futures, 104, 37-46.
Leta, G., Kelboro, G., Stellmacher, T., Van Assche, K., & Hornidge, A. K. (2018, May). Nikinake: the mobilization of labour and skill development in rural Ethiopia. In Natural Resources Forum (Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 93-107). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (10.1111).
Leta, G., Stellmacher, T., Kelboro, G., Van Assche, K., & Hornidge, A. K. (2018). Social learning in smallholder agriculture: the struggle against systemic inequalities. Journal of Workplace Learning, 30(6), 469-487.
Van Assche, K., Gruezmacher, M., & Deacon, L. (2019). Mapping institutional work as a method for local strategy; learning from boom/bust dynamics in the Canadian west. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 62(1), 51-71.
Djanibekov, U., Van Assche, K., Boezeman, D., Villamor, G. B., & Djanibekov, N. (2018). A coevolutionary perspective on the adoption of sustainable land use practices: The case of afforestation on degraded croplands in Uzbekistan. Journal of Rural Studies, 59, 1-9.
Legese, G., Van Assche, K., Stelmacher, T., Tekleworld, H., & Kelboro, G. (2018). Land for food or power? Risk governance of dams and family farms in Southwest Ethiopia. Land Use Policy, 75, 50-59.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Duineveld, M., & Gruezmacher, M. (2017). Power/knowledge and natural resource management: Foucaultian foundations in the analysis of adaptive governance. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 19(3), 308-322.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., & Duineveld, M. (2017). The will to knowledge: natural resource management and power/knowledge dynamics. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 19, 3, 245-250
Beunen, R., Patterson, J., & Van Assche, K. (2017). Governing for resilience: the role of institutional work. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 28, 10-16.
Duineveld, Martijn, Kristof Van Assche, and Raoul Beunen (2017) Re-conceptualising political landscapes after the material turn: a typology of material events. Landscape research 42, 4: 375-384.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Duineveld, M. (2016)‘Witchcraft, oracle and magic in the kingdom of planning. An essay in response to Ernest Alexander’, Planning Theory ,16(2), 223-226.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., & Duineveld, M. (2016). Citizens, Leaders and the Common Good in a world of Necessity and Scarcity: Machiavelli’s Lessons for Community-Based Natural Resource Management. Ethics, Policy & Environment, 19(1), 19-36.
Djanibekov, N., Van Assche, K., & Valentinov, V. (2016). Water Governance in Central Asia: A Luhmannian Perspective. Society & Natural Resources, 29(7), 822-835.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., & Lo, M. C. (2016). Place as layered and segmentary commodity: place branding, smart growth and the creation of product and value. International Planning Studies, 21(2), 164-175.
Duineveld, M., ten Cate, B., & van Assche, K. A. M. (2015). Productieve functies van het landschapsontwerp. Landschap, 32(3), 142-149.
Hornidge, A., Van Assche, K., Shtaltovna, A. (2015) ‘Uzbekistan - A region in world society? Variants of differentiation in agricultural resources governance’, Soziale Systeme
Gruezmacher, M., & Van Assche, K. (2015). The evolution of socio-ecological systems: changing palm species management in the Colombian Amazon as an indicator of ecological and institutional change. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 58(11), 2015-2036.
Van Assche, K., Djanibekov, N., Hornidge, AK, Shtaltovna, A., Verschraegen, G. (2014) ‘Rural development and the entwining of dependencies: Transition as evolving governance in Khorezm, Uzbekistan, Futures, 63: 75-85.
Van Assche, K. (2014) ‘Semiotics of silent lakes. Sigurd Olson and the interlacing of writing, policy and planning’, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 17, 2: 262-276.
Felder, M., Duineveld, M., Van Assche, K. (2015) ‘Absence/ presence and the ontological politics of heritage. The case of Barrack 57’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 21, 5: 460-475.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Duineveld, M. (2014) ‘Power and contingency in planning’, Environment & Planning A, 10: 2385-2400.
Jacobs, J., Van Assche, K. (2014) ‘Understanding Empirical Boundaries: A Systems- Theoretical Avenue in Border Studies’, in Geopolitics, 19, 1: 182- 205.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Duineveld, M. (2014) ‘Formal/ informal dialectics and the self- transformation of spatial planning systems: an exploration’, Administration & Society, 46, 6: 654-683.
Djanibekov, U., Van Assche, K., Boezeman, D., Djanibekov, N. (2013) ‘Understanding contracts in evolving agro-economies: Fermers, dekhqans and networks in Khorezm, Uzbekistan’, Journal of Rural Studies, 32: 137-147.
Van Assche, K. (2013) ‘Ernest Oberholtzer and the art of boundary crossing. Writing, life and the narratives of conservation and planning’. Planning Perspectives., 29, 1: 45-65.
Van Assche, K. (2013) ‘Ernest Oberholtzer. Het belang van rollen en ambiguiteit voor het landschap’. Landschap, 30, 2: 30-37.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Holm, J., Lo, M. (2013) ‘Social learning and innovation. Ice fishing communities on Lake Milles Lacs’. Land Use Policy, 34: 232-242.
Van Assche, K., Van Biesebroeck, J. , Holm J. (2013) ‘Governing the ice. Ice fishing villages on Lake Mille Lacs and the creation of environmental governance institutions. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 57, 8: 1122-1144.
Duineveld, M., Van Assche, K., Beunen, R. (2013) ‘Making things irreversible. Object stabilization in urban planning and design’, Geoforum, 46: 16-24.
Kooij, HJ, Van Assche, K, Lagendijk, A (2013) ‘Open concepts as crystallization points and enablers of discursive configurations: the case of the innovation campus in the Netherlands’, European Planning Studies, 22, 1: 84-100.
Eichholz, M., Van Assche, K., Oberkircher, L, Hornidge, AK (2013) ‘Trading capitals? Bourdieu, land and water in rural Uzbekistan’, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56, 6: 868- 892.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R, Duineveld, M, de Jong, H (2013) ‘Co- evolutions of planning and design. Risks and benefits of design perspectives in planning systems’, Planning Theory, 12, 2: 177-198.
Beunen, R, Van Assche, K., Duineveld, M. (2013) ‘Performing failure in conservation policy. The implementation of European Union directives in the Netherlands’, Land Use Policy, 31: 280-288.
Beunen, R., Van Assche, K. (2013) ‘Contested delineations. Planning, law and the governance of protected areas’, Environment and Planning A, 45, 6: 1285- 1301.
Duineveld, M., Van Assche, K., Beunen, R. (2013) ‘Malta’s unintentional consequences: Archaeological heritage and the politics of exclusion in the Netherlands’, Public Archaeology, 12, 3: 139-154.
Shtaltovna, A., Van Assche, K., Hornidge, A.K. (2012) ‘Where did this debt come from? Organizational change, role ambiguity and development in rural Khorezm, Uzbekistan. International Quarterly for Asian Studies/ Internationales Asienforum, 43, 3-4: 179-197.
Djanibekov, N., Van Assche, K., Bobojonov, I., Lamers, J.P.A. (2012) ‘Farm restructuring and land consolidation in Uzbekistan: New farms with old barriers’, Europe- Asia Studies, 64, 6: 1101-1126.
Van Assche, K., Duineveld, M. (2012) ‘The good, the bad and the self- referential: Heritage planning and the productivity of difference’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 19, 1: 1-15.
Van Assche, K., Duineveld, M., Salukvadze, J. (2012) ‘Speed, vitality and innovation in the reinvention of Georgian planning’, European Planning Studies, 20, 6: 999-1015.
Van Assche, K., Costaglioli, F. (2012) ‘Silent places, silent plans: Silent signification and the study of place transformation’, Planning Theory, 11,2: 128-147.
Van Assche, K., Bell, S., Teampau, P. (2012) ‘Traumatic natures in the swamp. Concepts of nature and participatory governance in the Danube delta’, Environmental Values, 21, 2, 163- 183.
Van Assche, K., Duineveld, M., De Jong, H., van Zoest, A. (2012) ‘What place is this time? Semiotics and the analysis of historical reference in landscape architecture’, Journal of Urban Design, 17,2, 233-254.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Duineveld, M. (2012) ‘Performing failure and success: Dutch planning experiences’, Public Administration, 90, 3, 567-581.
Van Assche, K., Djanibekov, N. (2012) ‘Spatial planning as policy integration: The need for an evolutionary perspective. Lessons from Uzbekistan’, Land Use Policy, 29, 1, 179-186.
Van Assche, K., Salukvadze, J. (2012) ‘Tbilisi reinvented. Politics, planning and the development of a post- Soviet city’, Planning Perspectives, 27,1, 1-24.
Van Assche, K., Lo, M. (2011) ‘Planning, preservation and place branding: a tale of sharing assets and narratives’, Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 7, 2, 117-126.
Beunen, R., Duineveld, M., Van Assche, K. (2011) ‘Moeizame implementatie van Natura 2000. De performatieve macht van de ‘mislukking’’, Landschap, 28, 3, 109-118.
Van Assche, K., Duineveld, M., Beunen, R., Teampau, P. (2011) ‘Delineating locals. Transformations of knowledge/ power and the governance of the Danube delta’, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 13, 1, 1-21.
Van Assche, K., Beunen, R., Jacobs, J., Teampau, P. (2011) ‘Crossing trails in the marshes. Flexibility and rigidity in the governance of the Danube delta’, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 54, 8, 997- 118.
Duineveld, M., Van Assche, K. (2011) ‘The power of tulips. Constructing nature and heritage in a contested landscape’, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 13,2, 79-98.
Van Assche, K., Teampau, P. (2010) ‘’Landscape of the year’ Social systems theory and the study of cultural and ecological adaptation in the Romanian Danube delta’, Studia Politica, 15, 1: 83- 102.
Van Assche, K., Verschraegen, G., Salukvadze, J. (2010) ‘Changing frames. Expert and citizen participation in Georgian planning’, Planning Practice and Research, 25, 3: 377- 395.
Gawronski, K., Van Assche, K., Hernik, J. (2010) ‘Spatial planning in the United States of America and Poland’, Infrastructure and ecology of rural areas. Annals of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 11: 53-69.
Teampau, P., Van Assche, K. (2009) ‘Migratory marginalities: making sense of home, self and mobility’, Ethnologia Balkanica, 13: 147- 163. 30
Teampau, P., Van Assche, K. (2009) ‘Sulina, Sulina, when there’s water, there’s no light. Memory and autobiography in a Romanian town’, Identities. Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, 7, 1-2: 33-70.
Van Assche, K., Devlieger, P., Teampau, P., Verschraegen, G. (2009) ‘Remembering and forgetting in the margin: Constructing past and future in the Romanian Danube Delta’, Memory Studies, 2,2: 211-234.
Van Assche, K., Teampau, P. (2009) ‘Layered encounters. Urban palimpsest and the performance of multiculturalism in the Romanian Danube Delta’, Anthropology of East Europe Review, 27, 1: 7-19.
Duineveld, M., Van Assche, K., Beunen, R. (2008) Uitgesloten amateurs in het nieuwe landschap van de Nederlandse archeologie’,Vrijetijdsstudies, 26,4: 29-39.
Van Assche, K., Verschraegen, K. (2008) ‘The Limits of Planning: Niklas Luhmann's systems theory and the analysis of planning and planning ambitions’, Planning Theory, 7, 3: 263-283.
Van Assche, K., Teampau, P., Devlieger, P., Suciu, C. (2008) ‘Liquid boundaries in marginal marshes. Reconstructions of identity in the Romanian Danube Delta’, Studia Sociologia, 39, 1: 115- 138.
Van Assche, K., Leinfelder, H. (2008) ‘Nut en noodzaak van een kritische planologie. Suggesties vanuit Nederland en Amerika op basis van Niklas Luhmann’s systeemtheorie’, Ruimte & Planning, 28, 2: 28-38.
Van Assche, K. (2007), ‘Planning as/ and/ in context: Towards a new analysis of context in interactive planning’, Middle Eastern Technical University Journal FA, 24, 2: 105-117.
Van Assche, K., Duineveld, M. (2007) ‘Heritage planning in Kiev: The good, the bad and the ugly and possible lessons for Tbilisi’, Kamara. Annual journal of the faculty of architecture at Georgian Technical University, 6: 100-110.
Teampau, P., Van Assche, K (2007) ‘Sulina, the dying city in a vital region. Social memory and nostalgia for the European future’, Ethnologia Balkanica, 11, 1: 257-278.
Van Assche, K., Duineveld, M. (2006), ‘On old and new, the concepts of context, harmony and Tbilisi’, Kamara. Annual journal of the faculty of architecture at Georgian Technical University, 5: 99-106.
Van Assche, K. (2002) ‘Omgaan met het landschappelijke verleden in natuurontwerpend Nederland’, De levende natuur, 103, 5, : 184-187.